BIRN Hub News and Events


BIRN’s Work Presented to Students in Washington

BIRN’s Work Presented to Students in Washington

BIRN Programme Manager and investigative reporter Jelena Cosic gave a presentation to students at the American University in Washington DC on October 9 about BIRN’s work and achievements.
Serbian Media Stage Blackout in Defence of Freedom

Serbian Media Stage Blackout in Defence of Freedom

Around 150 Serbian media outlets and NGOs are temporarily blacking out their websites or going off air on Thursday, in protest against what they see as assaults on the media’s freedom.
BIRN Cited as Source in International Reports

BIRN Cited as Source in International Reports

BIRN and its network members’ publications continue to be quoted and referenced in reports by international organisations around the world.
BIRN Film on Wartime Home Swaps Gets TV Premiere

BIRN Film on Wartime Home Swaps Gets TV Premiere

BIRN’s new film ‘Your House was My Home’, about how war forced villagers in Serbia and Croatia to exchange homes with each other to save their lives, premieres on Al Jazeera Balkans on Tuesday.
BIRN Summer School Day 4: How to Scale Up Investigation

BIRN Summer School Day 4: How to Scale Up Investigation

On the fourth third day of BIRN’s Summer School in Dubrovnik, journalists heard how to pitch stories, structure investigative projects and use open data.
BIRN Summer School: The Art of Interviews and Tracing Money

BIRN Summer School: The Art of Interviews and Tracing Money

On the third day of BIRN’s Summer School, journalists heard how to conduct interviews and investigate offshore industries.
BIRN Summer School Day 2: Social Media, Fact-Checking for Investigative Journalists

BIRN Summer School Day 2: Social Media, Fact-Checking for Investigative Journalists

BIRN’s Summer School continued on Tuesday with sessions exploring data journalism and fact-checking methods. s.
Eighth BIRN Summer School Opens in Croatia

Eighth BIRN Summer School Opens in Croatia

BIRN’s latest Summer School opened on Monday in Dubrovnik with interactive sessions on advanced digital research and use of open data sources.
BIRN Articles Quoted in International Reports

BIRN Articles Quoted in International Reports

Articles and reports published by BIRN in recent months have been quoted and referenced in various European publications about media, minorities, democratisation, foreign fighters and radicalisation.
“There won't be European integration without free press”

“There won’t be European integration without free press”

Dragana Zarkovic Obradovic, director of BIRN Serbia, about media freedom in the region.
Dubrovnik to Host BIRN’s Investigative Journalism School

Dubrovnik to Host BIRN’s Investigative Journalism School

Dubrovnik and its stunning coastline will be the setting for the BIRN Summer School of Investigative Reporting in 2017.
BIRN Investigation Shortlisted for International Prize

BIRN Investigation Shortlisted for International Prize

An investigation by Balkan Investigative Reporting Network has been shortlisted for the prestigious Global Shining Light Award.
Pressure Rises on Journalists in the Balkans

Pressure Rises on Journalists in the Balkans

Weakening EU and US influence in the Balkans and increased Russian influence, as well as growing political and economic pressures on journalists, have created a harsher environment for Balkan media, BIRN’s biennial meeting heard.
BIRN - Regional Network Director

BIRN – Regional Network Director

Outstanding individual sought for this exciting post, heading up the work of the Balkan Investigative Reporting Regional Network, BIRN Hub, the unique media development and human rights organisation in the Balkans. BIRN’s hard-hitting reporting and analysis has gained an unparalleled reputation in the 12 years since it was founded.

BIRN Wins Four EU Investigative Journalism Awards

BIRN Wins Four EU Investigative Journalism Awards

The 2017 regional scheme of the EU awarding investigative journalism in the Western Balkans and Turkey, for the best investigative stories published in 2016, has come to an end.