Documentary ‘Free Flow’
Documentary, which was directed by film-maker Elton Baxhaku and premiered in 2018, covers the decade-long grassroots struggle by local communities, activists and civil society organisations against hydropower plant projects that threaten the environment, the water supplies of local communities and their livelihoods that are based on sustainable tourism.

BIRN Report Says Media Freedom Declining in Serbia
BIRN report on the state of the media in Serbia notes abuses of funding, lack of pluralism in terms of content, an unclear legislative framework and administrative pressure on independent media as some of the most concerning issues.

After the ICTY: Accountability, Truth and Justice in former Yugoslavia

BIRN Serbia Film: ‘SNS – the start’
A new film by BIRN Serbia, “SNS – pocetak, 2008” [“SNS – the start, 2008”], delves into the origins and rise of the Serbian Progressive Party, SNS, which has ruled the country since 2012.

BIRN Albania’s Monitoring Report on Court Transparency
The Balkan Investigative Reporting Network in Albania launched its monitoring report on transparency of courts on October 30, 2018.

BIRN Albania Publishes Data Journalism Manual
‘Getting Started in Data Journalism’ is a manual published by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network in Albania which aims to introduce journalists to data-driven reporting techniques that are essential to contemporary investigative journalism.

BIRN Activities and Achievements: 2017-2018

Report on the Assets Declarations of Prosecutors in Albania
Analysis on the System of Assets Declarations of Prosecutors in Albania, a study published by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network in Albania, evaluates that structure of the wealth of the members of the prosecutor’s office in Albania as well as the integrity of the asset declaration system.

Serbian ‘Alternative Report’ Responds to EU Media Assessment
Six civil society organisations in Serbia, including BIRN, have prepared a comment and Alternative Report on the findings on freedom of expression and media pluralism in the European Commission’s recently-published Serbia Country Report for 2017.

Impact Map – 2017
BIRN’s journalistic work produced in 2017 some very tangible social and political changes, both within the region and internationally, showing that non-profit media can influence the work of public institutions and authorities when applying high professional standard to their work.

BIRN Albania Publishes Media Advocacy Manuals
The Balkan Investigative Reporting Network in Albania has published two new manuals, which aim to give civil society and activists the necessary knowledge to advocate their causes in the media.

BIRN Kosovo Reports on Progress of Corruption Cases
The Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) and Internews Kosova, for 12 years, have monitored the Kosovo judicial system at all levels in order to assess its performance in respecting legality, work ethics and judicial proceedings.

Court Monitoring Report 2017
For 12 years, the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) and Internews Kosovo have monitored the Kosovo judicial system at all levels in order to assess their performance in respecting legality, work ethics and judicial proceedings.

Court Monitoring Report 2016
On May 8th, 2017, BIRN and Internews Kosova marked a decade of monitoring Kosovo’s judicial system with the launch of the 2016 Court Monitoring Report.

Between Pressures and Praises – BIRN Network Annual Report 2017
The report shows what the organisation did to offer high quality journalistic work and to provide citizens with reliable, timely and in-depth reporting as well as BIRN’s contribution to improving media freedom and openness of public institutions.